
What is Piles ?

Piles are enlarged veins located at the junction of Rectum and anus commonly known as Hemorrhoids, Mulvyadh or Bavasir.

Piles are inflamed and swollen collections of tissue in the anal area. They can have a range of sizes, and they may be internal or external.

Internal piles are normally located between 2 and 4 centimeters (cm) above the opening of the anus, and they are the more common type. External piles occur on the outside edge of the anus.


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What Causes Hemorrhoids?

Causes of Piles ?

  • Long Standing Constipation
  • Excessive Straining during bowel movements over a long period of time
  • Hard stools that are not excreted smoothly
  • Family history of piles Faulty toilet habits Pregnancy and childbirth
  • An unhealthy lifestyle – Lack of exercise, stress, alcohol, smoking
  • Obesity – Piles is more common in the overweight
  • Heavy weight exercise
  • Ageing – The tissues in the lining of the anus may become less supportive with the age

Signs and Symptoms of Piles

  • Bleeding during a bowel movement. There may be fresh blood at the end of passing stools or you may witness blood on the tissue
  • You may feel a lump outside the anus
  • Piles may cause itching in the region called Perianal pruritius
  • There may be discharge
  • There may be a sensation of stool being ‘stuckʼ at the anal region after a bowel movement
  • Rarely there may be dull pain
  • As a complication, the piles sometimes develops a clot (Thrombosed Hemorrhoid) This may cause the development of sudden pain which worsens on sitting or during movement

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